Store Service

Call Us: (334) 230-5674

Sales Volume

Store Service is based on the volume of the store.

  • Weekly Stores

    title here

    Stores that are located on the interstate, close to the beach or a theme park and require weekly service, will receive weekly service.

  • Bi-Weekly Stores

    title here

    Stores that average over $200.00 each delivery are serviced every two weeks.

  • Tri-Weekly Stores

    title here

    Stores that average less than $200.00 each delivery are serviced every three weeks.

100% Guarantee

All merchandise sold through the OT/Novelty program is 100% guaranteed. Full credit is issued for all damages or slow selling merchandise.
All seasonal merchandise is picked up and credited when the season is over.

Contact Us

10345 Petrey Hwy.
Luverne, AL 36049

Phone: (334) 230-5674
Fax: (334) 335-2422
Corporate Website:

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